Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to our team. The purpose of this section is helping you to understand how we collect, use, safeguard and explain your rights in relation to your personal information.

When you use our gaming service, you agree our collection and using of your personal information as outlined in the Privacy Policy.

The Information We Collect

We may collect and use the information, mentioned below:

We may collect additional information from you in order to improve our gaming services such as IP addresses.

We do not collect any credit card information.

Third Party SDKs

Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app

How We Use Information

We may use your information to notify you of important announcements regarding our products, services and special offers. If you do not want to receive any announcement from us, you can ask to be excluded from such announcements by sending us email. We may provide your information to government officials and agencies when required by law. We may use your information to develop and improve our products and service.


We may send you a temporary cookie when you use our gaming services. A cookie is a small file of text-only string of information that can be embedded in your computer so that we can remember who you are when you revisit our site. You are not obliged to accept our cookie and you can decline cookies by modifying the settings in your browser.


We will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from loss, misuse,unauthorized access, disclosure or unauthorized alteration.

Review of personal information

At any time, you may ask us to remove your gaming and personal information from our system.

However, some information may be necessary for providing you our services and support. In that event we may not be able to provide you our services that you are using. We may not be able to delete all of your gaming activity if it is linked to other active users. Even if you delete the game application from your phone, the past game results are not deleted.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We may amend this statement at any time and with immediate effect by updating this document of Privacy Policy. We will seek to notify you of any changes beforehand. If we are not able to do so, it is your responsibility to periodically review any changes in this Privacy Policy page.

Contact with us

If you have any question,you can contact with us via this email address: